We Provide Vibration Analysis and Training
4X Diagnostics provides diagnostics measurement consulting services, vibration analysis, vibration training and certification testing, mentoring and MEscope software sales and support to manufacturing, technology, research and service industries, local municipalities and government agencies.
We are accomplished in dual channel and cross channel vibration measurements, modal analysis, operational deflection shapes (ODS), Motion Amplification®, phase analysis, shaft measurement, product defect analysis, online monitoring, torsional vibration, resonance testing, stress wave measurement, human body vibration exposure, noise measurements, remote monitoring and route-based data collection.
4X Diagnostics Presents:
Practical Aspects of ODS and Modal Analysis Training: Featuring MEscope Software
Join us August 18th – 22nd 2025 to learn how to perform Operational Deflection Shape and Modal Surveys on machines and structures. See exactly how the machine vibrates from operational forces and resonance. Experience the power of ODS and Modal testing. Learn more…
Broadsens Wireless Sensors
We’ve spend years researching wireless sensors to find the one that meets our customer’s needs with respect to measurement and signal outputs , signal transmission rates, software functionality, and cost effectiveness. 4X Diagnostics is proud to partner with Broadsens Corporation, a leading manufacturer that meets and exceeds all our needs. 4X Diagnostics is an authorized reseller of all Broadsens Industrial-leading wireless vibration & temperature sensors, and wireless high temperature sensors used for predictive maintenance, industrial IOT and machine condition monitoring. Compact piezoelectric ultrasonic sensors for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) applications are also available. Remote monitoring and analysis services available. Learn more…

Route Based Vibration Testing & Analysis
As part of a condition monitoring program, we will collect vibration data at your facility on assets that will benefit from predictive testing and maintenance, where machine health can be monitored and trended over time. With this service you will get one of our expert analysts reviewing and monitoring the status and operation of your machines on a periodic basis to identify the earliest sign of a machine fault or bearing defect. If your plant depends on reliable rotating equipment, route-based vibration analysis is an important part of a condition-based maintenance program. You can learn more about our route-based programs here…

We offer a thorough and in-depth troubleshooting service to help solve any vibration issue you may be having with your equipment. We can complete many advanced diagnostic tests including resonance testing, Operational Deflection Shape (ODS) studies, Modal Surveys, and Motion Amplification, as well as many others. With over 100 years of cumulative troubleshooting experience, our team of analysts are sure help solve whatever issue you may be having. You can learn more about our diagnostic services here…

Motion Amplification Services
RDI Technologies Motion Amplification camera-based system and software is revolutionizing the vibration industry with the Iris M, Iris MX and Iris CM camera systems. These systems allow us to visually characterize, quantify and qualify mechanical and structural faults in machinery and structures by measuring deflection, displacement, movement, and vibration not visible to the human eye. 4X Diagnostics is a certified service provider of Motion Amplification with experience in many industries nationwide. Learn more…

Operational Deflection Shape Studies and Surveys
4X Diagnostics has decades of experience performing both frequency-based and time-based Operational Deflection Shape studies and Modal Surveys on all types of rotating equipment and structures. Vibrant Technologies MEscope Visual Engineering Series (VES) software allows us to identify operational and transient deformation shapes, system natural frequencies, mode shapes, generate estimates of mass, stiffness and damping and other characteristics of machine or structure vibration. MEscopeVES has been specifically designed to make it easy to observe and analyze a variety of vibration, acoustic, and strength of materials problems in machines and structures. It utilizes multi-channel time or frequency domain experimental data, acquired during the operation of a machine, or the static or dynamic loading of a structure. We provide onsite ODS and Modal testing, public training courses, onsite mentoring services and are authorized software distributors in the US. Learn more…

People Say
“4X Diagnostics are very good friends to RDI and perhaps the most capable high-end vibration analysis services organization in the world.”
John V. VP of International Sales - RDI“4X Diagnostics is second to none when it comes to diagnosing and correcting vibration-related issues. They have expertise in numerous technologies and they employ this expertise to best serve their customers. I have never come across an issue that they were unable to solve. Their team members go above and beyond in their explanations of their findings and in their willingness to share their expertise. In doing so, they offer the customer the chance to amend the issue at hand while accumulating invaluable experience to use in diagnosing future vibration-related issues. For these reasons, I would very highly recommend 4X Diagnostics for any predictive maintenance related consulting, training, or troubleshooting.”
Ben A. Component Analyst - NMP Nuclear Generating Station“I wanted to say how impressed I was with your report. It's the most professionally prepared report I have ever seen in all my years in maintenance. Got very positive feedback from everyone who has seen it. Your conclusions were very concise and understandable. Thanks for a great job.”
Gil K Sr. Reliability Specialist - Corning“I appreciate all the work you have put into this class. Your experience in this area helps us so much. Not many people have the experience and the ability to teach others like you have done. Thank you very much!”
John W. Sr. Technical Reliability Specialist - OG+E PSS“4X works across all verticals with a specialty in Power Generation. Matt and his team are one of the most senior and experienced Motion Amplification® service providers in the country.”
Sean H. Regional Sales Manager - RDI“Your report was very well written, and well done in taking a complex problem and explaining it in an understandable format. It's very technical, and therefore that is difficult. We see an awful lot of poorly written reports in our forensic work, so I just wanted to take this moment to acknowledge a job well done!”
Dennis W. Forensic Structural Engineer - Gervasio & Associates“I would like to tell you how good your training class was. I have been in vibration analysis for over 20 some years and your class was one of the very best. There is so much to learn that there is no way that I could absorb it all.”
R.J. Vibration Analyst - CPCC