Broadsens Wireless Sensors
We’ve spend years researching wireless sensors to find the one that meets our customer’s needs with respect to measurement and signal outputs , signal transmission rates, software functionality, and cost effectiveness. 4X Diagnostics is proud to partner with Broadsens Corporation, a leading manufacturer that meets and exceeds all our needs. 4X Diagnostics is an authorized reseller of all Broadsens Industrial-leading wireless vibration & temperature sensors, and wireless high temperature sensors used for predictive maintenance, industrial IOT and machine condition monitoring. Compact piezoelectric ultrasonic sensors for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) applications are also available. Remote monitoring and analysis services available. Learn more…

Operational Deflection Shape Studies and Surveys
4X Diagnostics has decades of experience performing both frequency-based and time-based Operational Deflection Shape studies and Modal Surveys on all types of rotating equipment and structures. Vibrant Technologies MEscope Visual Engineering Series (VES) software allows us to identify operational and transient deformation shapes, system natural frequencies, mode shapes, generate estimates of mass, stiffness and damping and other characteristics of machine or structure vibration. MEscopeVES has been specifically designed to make it easy to observe and analyze a variety of vibration, acoustic, and strength of materials problems in machines and structures. It utilizes multi-channel time or frequency domain experimental data, acquired during the operation of a machine, or the static or dynamic loading of a structure. We provide onsite ODS and Modal testing, public training courses, onsite mentoring services and are authorized software distributors in the US. Learn more…