VCAT-III Senior Vibration Analyst

Course Information
Learn to be an effective vibration leader and master analyst – capable of managing the condition
monitoring program, diagnosing the widest range of fault conditions, verifying and correcting
resonance problems, performing complex balancing machinery – with advanced 3D animations
and interactive simulations that make everything easy to understand.
4X Diagnostics is a certified North America training instructor for Mobius Institute
Course Outline
5 Day Course
- Review of condition monitoring technologies and the
ISO standards - Signal processing and data acquisition
- Time waveform analysis
- Phase analysis
- Dynamics (natural frequencies and resonance)
- Testing for natural frequencies
- Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis
- Modal analysis and intro to FEA
- Correcting resonances
- Rolling element bearing fault detection
- Journal bearing fault detection
- Electric motor testing
- Pumps, fans, and compressors
- Gearbox fault detection
- Corrective action
- Running a successful condition monitoring program
- Acceptance testing
- Review of ISO standards